Insatiable, marauding aliens, The Nekross, invade the Earth in search of magic. Teenage schoolboy wizard Tom Clarke and his friend Benny Sherwood lead the defense against them. All I want to say that the first series of wizards vs aliens was good but series 2 is much better more grown up and more interesting with good character developments and that people should give it a chance because its have been amazing so far and tonight's episode nearly made me cry and that's coming from a sixteen year old it really is worth watching. the critics are harsh about shows like this and should just give them a chance so hats off to everyone involved in the show and bring on series 3 next year. but anyway the show is amazing and the story lines are good also the neckross are a brilliant aliens and are well designed so yea overall brilliant series well worth watching.
Narkikail replied
326 weeks ago